Thursday, January 24, 2013

"Individual commitment to a group effort ? that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work." ~ Vince Lombardi

In the health care setting, interdisciplinary teams are a matter of survival.  "Trust and communication are critical elements of building effective work teams.  Team members need to work collaboratively and interdisciplinary first before striving to work synergistically.  An infrastructure of open communication with an emphasis on information sharing enables team members to understand and believe in the team's strategies" (Huber, 2009 p. 224).

After personally reflecting on the concept of team, with my current role as a clinical support  associate I have been on both sides of the spectrum; a team and a pseudo team.  There is such a difference between the two types of work environments.  When a team is truly present it results in a positive work environment, more willingness to help others, less complaining and less conflict.  A true team can make going to work enjoyable.    

"The greater the performance, the greater is the advantage to the group and the organization" - (Huber, 2009, p.225)

Characteristics of a highly effective team includes a common purpose or goal, competent members,  a common approach for the work, commitment, complementary skills, collaboration, mutual accountability, standards of excellence and leadership.

Expectations for a successful team:
  • Communicate in an open, honest and direct manner
  • Give feedback when behavior creates uncomfortable situations
  • Develop processes for conflict manage, decision making.
  • Team members should be demonstrating support
  • Demonstrating mutual respect for one another
  • Pitch in gladly, provide help when available
  • Be trustworthy as evidenced by honoring and meeting commitments made

Roles, Activities, Relationships and Positive Environment = high performing interdisciplinary teams

Huber, D. H. (2009).  Leadership and nursing care management. 4th edition.  Saunders, Elsevier Health Sciences. Maryland Heights, MO. 

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing to me what a difference working with a real team is versus a pseudo team. I have been really focused on this concept lately. A good team not only does well for the patient and their hospital experience, it feels good also. I know that all of my really good days have been because I have worked with a really great team and we were able to get a lot accomplished. It is nice going home feeling like I made a difference that day. My bad days have been mostly because the team I was working with was a combination of non-effective communication and negativity. I recently had an experience where it was so concerning to me, that I had to say something. It was all because of a dysfunctional team. It was unfair for the patients and it was unfair to the team. I learned throughout this experience that this might have been better if I would have had a better attitude about working with this team, and put the past experiences behind me instead of wearing them at my sleeve. I know just from this experience as well that conflict resolution is something that I need to work on, and it is a big part of teamwork!
    WE=POWER :)
