Thursday, February 28, 2013

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do" Goethe

Leadership Development is a Lifelong Process.

"There is a widespread agreement that leaders can be made, not born.  The question remains as to how an individual can be made into a leader. Individuals who are acknowledged as leaders are often nurtured and guided by others, seek and function in environments that encourage leadership behavior and study others who have been leaders.  The development of oneself as a leader is a purposeful process that is enhanced by guidance and support from others (Grossman, 2009, p. 157).

"Instead of exercising power over people, transforming leaders champion and inspire them" (Grossman, 2009, p.167)

Approaches to Leadership Development

* Lecture and Discuss (formal course work) 
* Role - Playing and simulation
* Participation in Sensitivity Training
* Role Modeling
* Institutes and Fellowships
* On the Job training
* Reflection and Self-assessment

The development of leadership knowledge and skills require:

* Purposeful, goal oriented action
* Honest, extensive self assessment
* A willingness to ask for assistance or guidance
* A willingness to to accept help or guidance when offered

Retrieved from
"Taking responsibility is a large part of what leadership is all about, such responsibility grows out of honest self assessment about our leadership abilities and potentials, as well as positive, focused action.  Taking responsibility for our own development as leaders is an excellent way to achieve our professional goals, realize our visions, and shape a preferred future for our profession.  Leaders also are responsible for developing other leaders.  Leadership in Nursing is about ensuring a well thought through plan where the future of the profession remains the key focus" (Grossman, 2009, p. 174).    

As future nurses and aspiring leaders we are in a position where we can choose where we want to practice and should choose an environment that facilitates leadership development.  "Environments that facilitate leadership development are OPEN, TRUSTING & DYNAMIC.  The environment that encourages, supports, and expects leadership development can be thought of as an empowering environment"(Grossman, 2009, p. 167).  Nurses are empowered when they are accountable, have a shared governance and having a sense of control over one's own life.  Most significant is that of knowledge!! (pg.167) 

Nurses empower themselves when: 
* They are knowledgeable and expert in their area of practice
* When they know the structure, dynamics and culture of the organization
* When they know how to use resources effectively
* When they know themselves (strengths, weakness, values, bias and motivations)

How committed are you in developing leadership and shaping the future of Nursing? 

Grossman, S. C., & Valiga, T. M. (2009). The new leadership challenge: creating the future of nursing, 3e.  Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.

1 comment:

  1. Nikki-
    I also think leadership is something that can be learned. After our Leadership simulation with the MA students, I now understand more of what leadership encompasses. Guidance, support, and encouragement need to be given while in a learship role. Role playing and simulation can cause anxiety and stress, but in the end the results show that they do make a difference. Looking up to others who are successful leaders is also helpful for us to enhance our leadership skills. What stood out to me the most was the fact that we need to know our strengths, weaknesses, values, bias, and motivations to empower ourselves.
    Great Post
