Thursday, February 28, 2013

"Vision is the art of seeing things invisible" - Jonathan Swift

VISION In Order to Lead one must have a Vision

"One of the most significant characteristics of a leader is to have a vision of a better world.  Having a vision, as well as being able to energize followers to join the effort of making that vision a reality, involves credibility, communication skills, and the ability to maintain momentum, and creativity" (Grossman, 2009, p.75).  "For those of us who get up everyday without thinking about why we do what we do, it may be time for a change; perhaps we need to revitalize ourselves" (p. 80)    

Let first understand what a Visions is by defining the term:  

  • Visions are dreams that are specific enough to provide guidance to people yet vague enough to encourage initiative and to remain relevant under a variety of conditions.  
  • A vision is the image of where the organization or group wants to be in the future.
  • A vision is the key strategy for success

How to gain practice in leading: 
a leader must be passionate, stimulate multiple senses simultaneously, 
appreciate the importance of having a commitment and passion for work, 
have personal mastery, a shared visioning, be a systems thinker, facilitate team learning.

Needed Leadership Skills: 
envisioning, coaching, knowing technology, association, collaboration, communication and mobilizing others.

A leaders greatest contribution is having a focus that mergers from their knowledge and experience, their emotional intelligence, as well as their passion.

Nurses in general think more dominantly with the left side of their brains which control critical thinking and reasoning however we should also develop our right brain skills so that we can be more intuitive and creative. "Creativity is necessary if nurses are to effectively manage the multitude of changes occurring in health care today and that are expected to continue well into future (Grossman, 2009, p.89).  As nurses we need to re-frame how we think about our work so that we are more creative, open to a variety of possibilities, and open to options that might lead to successful outcomes" (p.85 ). Below is a link that you can use to test your own creativeness.

Click here to open the 
"How creative are you" tool
to measure your creativity

Time Management Mind map Retrieved from
Suggesting for developing right brain skills
  • Mind Mapping: is a method of note taking effective in stimulating creativity (Grossman, 2009, p.87)
  • Opposite Brushing: Stimulate the right brain by brushing the teeth or hair with your non-dominant hand. Try writing or drawing with your non-dominant hand for awhile. The left brain controls right-handedness, while the right brain controls left-handedness. This will help the brain develop new connections or circuits that are activated by such an activity.
  • Enhancing Creativity: Place an object on the table in front of you. Follow the outside edges of the object with your eyes. Using a blank sheet of paper and a pencil, draw a continuous outline of the item without looking down at your paper or lifting your pencil. As you do this, notice a strong temptation to stop and examine the drawing. That is your left brain trying to make sense of a right-brained activity.
  • Right Brain Builders: vary your routine by dressing with your eyes closed, driving to work via a different route or moving your mouse to the "other" side of your computer's keyboard (Retrieved from
 Another method for improving your right brain function:
    Step 1 Listen to a guided visualization or meditation program; you are more receptive to right-brain insights when you are relaxed. 
    Step 2 Sing or learn to play an instrument. Listen to a new type of music. Listening to or performing music helps to stimulate the auditory cortex of the right brain and leads to increased creativity
    Step 3 Take an art class. Even if you think you don't have any artistic ability, sketching or even tracing a picture can encourage your right brain to become more active. Hands-on, visually focused artistic activities such as sculpting or drawing promote right brain activity
    Step 4 Develop a creative hobby such as knitting, quilting, crocheting, sewing or another activity that absorbs all of your attention and focus. Finding a knitting pattern or coming up with your own idea inspires your imagination. Concentrating on making a beautiful end product encourages the creative, conceptual part of your right brain.
    Step 5 Practice writing or drawing using the non-dominant side of your body.  Your non-dominant hand generally governs the right hemisphere of your brain. Stimulating your right brain through writing or drawing with your "wrong" hand can help you get in touch with your creative, intuitive and emotional side. (Retrieved from

    "Possibility leaders are people who trigger a spark of possibility for others and stimulate change and reform.  It is important for nurses to think positively, speak in possibilities, and not give up " (Grossman, 2009, p.76)


    Demand Media. (2013).  Exercises to Build the Right Side of the Brain.  Retrieved from

    Demand Media. (2013).  How to change your improve our right brain.  Retrieved from

    Grossman, S. C., & Valiga, T. M. (2009). The new leadership challenge: creating the future of nursing, 3e.  Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.

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